A Christian Dance Studio located in Jacksonville, Florida
Welcome to the FFAM dance Studio blog!!

We hope that you are able to find all the information you are in search of. Come back often for updates and new information.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bake Sale

Bake Sale
November 14th-17th

Sign-up for donations will begin
November 7th-10th

       ☺Donated items may be homemade or store bought.☺

All proceeds go toward the Dance Ministry. 

Director's Hours

These are the are the hours that Rhonda will be available at the studio:
Tuesday - 3:30-4:30
Wednesday - 4:00-5:15
Thursday - 5:30-6:45

As always you can contact her outside the studio via email or phone:
705-6027 & rfras1@aol.com

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October News

Our first month of dance at FFAM has already come and gone. It has been a great kick off so far. We are BUSTING at the seams of our Tumbling Tots, Pre 1, Pre 2 and Pre 3 classes. What a blessing that is. The only sad thing is having to turn away interested students for those classes.  If you have other friends/family interested in enrolling their children in that age group, please let them know we are full at this time. We do have room in our Beg A, Beg B, Intermediate and Advance classes. 
We would like to personally thank all of you who have been flexible to change days or times due to class changes. As we have said in the past, FFAM is a ministry first and a dance studio second. We will sometimes have to make changes to accommodate our growth and I appreciate in advance your understanding of this.
Our first shoe came in and they all look great. We now have sizing kits for tap, ballet and jazz for children up to size 3. We are going to be ordering larger sizing kits in the future. We have to make some exchanges for those that didn't fit, so if you would like to place an order please email Melissa (blissfamily3@bellsouth.net) or Rhonda (rfras1@aol.com) to see if we have already done so. We are able to place orders at any time, but if we don't have enough others looking to order you will be responsible for the cost of shipping.